My recent work has been deeply influenced by the Haniwa, ancient Japanese earthenware funerary objects that embody both simplicity and profound cultural significance. Entitled The Trinity, this body of work represents a raw and unfiltered interpretation of the challenges and resilience of being a single Black mother in a society that often questions her strength and femininity. These ceramic pieces are a tribute to single mothers everywhere, drawing directly from the experiences I observed in my mother growing up. She has always been a pivotal figure in my life, embodying the roles of Prosecutor, Judge, and Executioner in the courtroom of life's trials.
My Prosecutor (middle): This piece symbolizes the relentless pursuit of justice and truth. It represents my mother’s tireless efforts to hold those who wronged her accountable, reflecting her inner strength and unwavering determination to protect her family.
My Judge (right): This work captures my mother’s role as the ultimate decision-maker in our household. Her judgments, opinions, and conclusions guided our path, offering wisdom and clarity amidst life's uncertainties. The piece conveys the weight and gravity of her decisions, shaping our lives with authority and love.
My Executioner (left): In this piece, I explore the themes of discipline and consequence. My mother’s ability to enforce rules and administer punishment was integral to our upbringing. This sculpture represents the balance she maintained between nurturing and enforcing boundaries, ensuring we understood the repercussions of our actions.
The creation of these works involved a meticulous process of hand-building and hollowing techniques inspired by the traditional craftsmanship of Haniwa. Each piece is shaped with a focus on raw, expressive forms that convey the emotional depth and resilience inherent in the experiences of single Black mothers. Through The Trinity, I aim to honor the authenticity and strength of these women, connecting deeply with the exhibition's theme of what is true and real.

Price $1,500.00
Dimensions 14 x 15 x 10
H x W x D (in)
Creation Date January 2023