Short Bio

I am an artist and installation creator, driven by an exploration of the world that envelops me - encompassing both the ecological and societal dimensions. My creative journey unfolds through a dynamic interplay of materials and methodologies, blending theory and practice. At its core, my art draws inspiration from the complexities of subjectivity and nature, delving into the human response to our environment and the "other." I'm deeply attuned to the impact I wield within the spaces I inhabit. Consequently, my artistic pursuit is driven by a desire to craft works that possess a keen awareness of their influence while infusing an element of whimsy. This pursuit is a voyage into understanding the essence of being an intersubjective artist within collaborative realms, all while nurturing my individual artistic autonomy. Whether working collectively or independently, my creations aim to ignite a sense of wonder within those who engage with them, rekindling connections to moments of clarity in nature and our shared human experiences.